Glossary of Sexual Identities and Gender Terms

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Author: SexualDiversity.Org
Author Contact: Sexual Diversity (
Published: 16th May 2020 - Updated: 10th Apr 2024
Peer-Reviewed Publication: N/A
Additional References: Education and LGBT Publications

Summary: The terms listed in this glossary are designed to empower you with language that will help you better understand discussions of gender and sexuality.

Main Document

Language has power and is constantly changing. The terms listed in this glossary are designed to empower you with language that will help you better understand discussions of gender and sexuality. Many terms are self-identifications; they mean something different to each person who identifies with the term.

The table of definitions listed below is a work in progress and was created to aid both journalists, and others, in learning the correct terminology and meanings to use when writing articles regarding LGBTQ+ topics, as well as making related conversations easier. For the most part, terms are based in Western understandings of gender and sexuality so they may not speak to the experiences of those from many cultures. This is not an exhaustive list but instead provides some basic terminology to support an introduction to related topics.

Remember not to apply labels to individuals. Understand that identities are fluid and contextual - just because someone shares part of their identity with you doesn't mean they're comfortable with you sharing this with others.

Also see:

Select a letter to browse the glossary alphabetically.

Preferred gender and Sexual Diversity glossary of terms, designations and definitions adapted from:

Latest Education and LGBT Publications
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