Camp Lejeune Settlement Timeline

People harmed by the toxic water at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune may be able to pursue settlements from the federal government thanks to laws passed in 2022. The Camp Lejeune payout timeline is expected to be about 1-2 years, depending on several key factors unique to each situation. Over $21 billion is set aside for Camp Lejeune claims. However, you only have until August 2024 to take action, so don’t wait.

Last updated: August 12, 2024

Latest News on the Camp Lejeune Settlement Timeline

As of July 2024, a total of $14.7 million in Camp Lejeune payouts has been made, showing forward movement in the Camp Lejeune settlement timeline.

Another major development is that federal judges struck down the right to jury trials under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 (CLJA). However, plaintiffs’ lawyers have notified the court that they plan to appeal this decision, according to Reuters.

Without jury trials, victims can’t have their stories heard by a group of their peers, who may have been more understanding of what they’ve been through. On the other hand, some believe it could help speed up the Camp Lejeune settlement timeline.

Learn more about the current status of Camp Lejeune lawsuits to stay on top of breaking news.

How Long Does a Camp Lejeune Water Case Take?

Camp Lejeune water cases are expected to take 1-2 years to settle on average. However, this will depend largely on how the case unfolds. For example, expedited government payouts for those with certain Camp Lejeune health issues can take a few months or less.

It is important to understand that a Camp Lejeune settlement will not affect your benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

No matter what payout option you seek, claims are processed in the order they are received, so starting your claim right away may help shorten your Camp Lejeune settlement timeline.

Steps in the Camp Lejeune Payout Timeline

The Camp Lejeune payout timeline depends on how long each step in the settlement process takes. Learn about the steps below.

1. Determining Eligibility

The first step is to determine if you are eligible to pursue a Camp Lejeune settlement.

Former military service members, civilian workers, and their families who were exposed to the chemicals in Camp Lejeune’s water for at least 30 days between 1953 and 1987 may be eligible for compensation for their injuries.

Camp Lejeune Founded

1953 to 1987 :

Camp Lejeune residents are exposed to toxic chemicals in the water supply

It’s okay if you’re unsure about exposure history. Our trained advocates at the Camp Lejeune Claims Center will quickly assess your case and recommend the next steps to help you.

2. Filing an Administrative Claim With the Navy JAG

If you qualify to pursue a Camp Lejeune settlement, we can help you file your administrative claim with the Department of the Navy. Filing an administrative claim is a requirement of the CLJA, part of the PACT Act.

“Any person who believes they qualify for relief under the CLJA must first submit a claim to the Department of the Navy.

—U.S. Navy Office of Information

News reports have warned that the administrative claims process is slow-moving and complicated. Therefore, many claimants are choosing to work with a Camp Lejeune law firm to handle the paperwork.

Once you submit everything you need to provide, including proof of military service and medical records showing a qualifying condition, the Navy has 180 days to make a decision on your administrative claim.

3. Receiving a Decision from the JAG

If your administrative claim is denied (or you do not receive a decision) before the 180 days is up, you will have additional Camp Lejeune legal options, like filing a civil lawsuit. This is a significant factor in the specific Camp Lejeune settlement timeline that applies to your case.

As of September 2023, the Justice Department (DOJ) and the Navy began offering some claimants a voluntary Elective Option (EO).

While the Elective Option may speed up your Camp Lejeune payout timeline, some legal experts warn this may pay victims less than what would be awarded if they took their case to court with the help of an experienced trial lawyer.

While you can choose to navigate these complexities on your own, it’s likely in your best interest to work with a top-notch personal injury lawyer from the start, as they can help guide you through the entire legal process.

4. Negotiating a Camp Lejeune Exposure Settlement

At this point, you may be able to negotiate a Camp Lejeune settlement. The federal government has set over $21 billion aside to pay victims of the Camp Lejeune contaminated water disaster, completely separate from VA money.

However, reaching a settlement agreement may involve a lot of back-and-forth negotiations. Accordingly, it’s a good idea to have an experienced lawyer advocating on your behalf.

The money secured from a Camp Lejeune settlement can be used to pay for medical bills, funeral expenses, and other costs. Settlement offers may be awarded for many types of injuries and illnesses, including several forms of cancer, birth defects, and Parkinson’s disease.

Did You Know?

Legal experts project some Camp Lejeune toxic exposure payouts could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Having an experienced trial lawyer on your side can mean you won’t get lowballed.

Additionally, a skilled attorney with experience fighting against powerful corporations will likely negotiate more effectively on your behalf.

This means you could receive more money than if you try to go it alone.

5. Taking the Case to Court

Finally, if your administrative claim is rejected or you do not hear back from the Navy within 6 months, you will have the option of filing a civil lawsuit in North Carolina.

“The Eastern District of North Carolina has been designated as the exclusive jurisdiction and venue for cases filed pursuant to Section 804 of the Act, known as the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022.”

—United States District Court

Remember, these lawsuits are filed against the federal government and are completely separate from the VA.

As of July 2024, it has not yet been decided how Camp Lejeune lawsuits will be processed. That said, with tens of thousands of cases expected to flood one court, most experts agree they will need to be batch-processed in some manner.

Working with a lawyer can ensure your Camp Lejeune settlement timeline is as short as possible.

Deadline for Camp Lejeune Claims

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act allows those who qualify to file lawsuits for Camp Lejeune water contamination within a two-year window following the bill’s passage in August 2022.

Therefore, you only have until August 2024 to file your Camp Lejeune claim.

Even if you or a loved one was harmed decades ago, you still have a chance to pursue compensation. However, you must file your claim before this strict deadline passes.

Will All Camp Lejeune Cases Be Offered Settlements?

It remains to be seen whether every Camp Lejeune case will reach a settlement. However, if a settlement offer is not made, a Camp Lejeune lawyer can argue the case in court and pursue compensation from a trial verdict.

Additionally, not every settlement offer will be the same due to many factors. This includes which illnesses or injuries the victim developed and their related medical expenses.

Some Camp Lejeune lawsuits may take a long time to settle due to the complexity of cases and the number of claims expected to be filed. That said, a top lawyer will do all they can to help you receive Camp Lejeune settlement payouts quickly.

How Are Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Settlements Determined?

At this time, no Camp Lejeune lawsuits have been settled, so there’s no way to know for certain just yet. With that in mind, Camp Lejeune lawsuit settlement amounts will likely be determined in several ways.

Settlement Formulas

Government lawyers will likely develop a matrix formula that helps determine Camp Lejeune settlement amounts by placing each case into a specific category or tier.

For example, the government’s voluntary Elective Option categorizes illnesses into 2 tiers for eligible victims.

Over 5 years of exposure1-5 years of exposure30-364 days of exposure
TIER 1Bladder cancer$450,000$300,000$150,000
Kidney cancer
Liver cancer
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
TIER 2Kidney disease (end-stage renal disease)$400,000$250,000$100,000
Multiple myeloma
Parkinson’s disease
Systemic sclerosis/systemic scleroderma

Additionally, claims involving wrongful death would receive an extra $100,000.

The government suggests that this will speed up the Camp Lejeune payout timeline. However, many fear this is another example of victims being denied the compensation they deserve.

Your Camp Lejeune claim may be worth significantly more than the settlement offers in the EO. Therefore, getting an opinion from a skilled Camp Lejeune lawyer may be in your best interest.

Individual Case Factors

Every Camp Lejeune toxic water case is unique, with many potential injuries and damages possible in each case.

Factors that may affect individual case values include:

A skilled lawyer can determine how these factors may impact your Camp Lejeune settlement timeline and compensation awards.

Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Timeline

The timeline for each Camp Lejeune lawsuit can vary. Notably, if cases do not reach a settlement, the Camp Lejeune lawsuit timeline could be extended.

This is because the case could then go to trial. In this situation, a trial date must be set, a judge must review the information presented, and a verdict must be rendered.

How long will it take to settle my Camp Lejeune lawsuit?

Your Camp Lejeune settlement timeline could be between 1 and 2 years. Working with a skilled lawyer means they will move your case forward as quickly as possible and regularly update you on the status of your case — including when you can expect to receive money.

To stay ahead of unforeseen delays, working with knowledgeable Camp Lejeune attorneys from a reputable law firm from the start is of the utmost importance. These skilled attorneys can keep you updated on the timeline for your case.

Get Help From Top Camp Lejeune Lawyers

When it comes to securing a successful Camp Lejeune settlement quickly, working with the right lawyer is key.

Top attorneys can help you understand Camp Lejeune settlement timelines and work to get you the most compensation in the shortest amount of time. Generally, you may have difficulty or delays in securing a Camp Lejeune settlement without a lawyer’s help.

The Camp Lejeune Claims Center works with some of the best Camp Lejeune lawyers in the country. Our legal partners can handle cases in all 50 states, already helping over 30,000 families with their Camp Lejeune claims.

Camp Lejeune Settlement Timeline FAQs

When will my Camp Lejeune settlement be paid?

The timeline for your Camp Lejeune settlement depends on several factors. These include when you submit your claim, how quickly the Navy reviews and responds, and whether you are offered the Elective Option.

Your Camp Lejeune settlement timeline also depends on how effectively you negotiate with the Navy. Therefore, working with a skilled Camp Lejeune lawyer is key.

What offices are handling Camp Lejeune settlements?

The main office handling Camp Lejeune claims is the Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy’s Tort Claims Unit in Norfolk, Virginia.

The office has pledged to handle these claims “as quickly as possible,” but as of July 2024, no exact Camp Lejeune settlement timeline is available. The first Camp Lejeune trials are expected to begin soon.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is also handling claims involving VA benefits like health care and disability compensation for veterans who got sick from the drinking water at Camp Lejeune.

How long will it take to settle a Camp Lejeune lawsuit?

While no settlements have been reached yet, each Camp Lejeune lawsuit is expected to take 1-2 years to reach a settlement.

This length of time can vary, as every Camp Lejeune case is unique. Therefore, it’s a good idea to get started right away to prepare for any delays during the Camp Lejeune settlement process.

What is the early settlement program at Camp Lejeune?

The voluntary Elective Option (EO) is the government’s streamlined payout system that only certain Camp Lejeune health conditions qualify for.

EO payouts range from $100,000 to $550,000, depending on the duration of the exposure and the severity of the health condition it caused.

These expedited payouts may shorten the Camp Lejeune settlement timeline for some families. However, legal experts warn that the amounts could be far lower than filing a lawsuit in federal court.

What health conditions qualify for a Camp Lejeune settlement?

Many health problems have been linked to the toxic water on base. These include multiple forms of cancer, birth defects, and more.

You may qualify to receive a settlement if you have one of the Camp Lejeune health issues linked with any of the toxic chemicals found in the water.

How much will Camp Lejeune victims receive?

Legal experts predict that values could range anywhere from $25,000 to over $1 million. The amount of money will depend on the length of exposure to the contaminated water and the severity of the harm caused.

The federal government is expected to pay over $21 billion in payouts to claimants and their family members over the next decade.

The Camp Lejeune Claims Center partners with leading Camp Lejeune law firms that have already helped over 30,000 families with their claims.

Has anyone received compensation from Camp Lejeune water contamination?

Yes. As of July 2024, Camp Lejeune payouts totaling $14.7 million were made by government agencies.

What is the deadline for Camp Lejeune claims?

The deadline to file a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit is August 2024, giving families two years from the passage of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act to file their claims.

This may seem like a lot of time, but it will pass by quickly, so file your claim sooner rather than later.

Has the Camp Lejeune lawsuit been settled?

No. Camp Lejeune lawsuits have not yet been settled as of July 2024.

Camp Lejeune trials are expected to begin soon, and payouts will be made until roughly 2033.

The Camp Lejeune Claims Center is committed to providing regular Camp Lejeune lawsuit updates whenever more specific information on the settlement timeline and formulas is released.

Brian Cooke

Reviewed by:Brian Cooke

U.S. Marine Corps Veteran & Partner at Simmons Hanly Conroy

Brian Cooke is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and partner at Simmons Hanly Conroy, one of the nation’s largest mass tort firms. He has dedicated over 20 years to fighting for justice on behalf of his clients and their families, including many veterans harmed through no fault of their own.

Written by:Camp Lejeune Claims Center Team

The Camp Lejeune Claims Center exists to help military veterans harmed by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to get the financial compensation they deserve. We're ready to help you — at no out-of-pocket cost to you or your family.

  1. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (2019, September 25). Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Retrieved February 21, 2024, from
  2. Environmental Working Group. (2011, September 28). EPA ruling backs Camp Lejeune victims. Retrieved February 21, 2024, from
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  5. Office of Public Affairs U.S. Department of Justice. (2023, September 6). Justice Department and Department of the Navy announce voluntary elective option for more efficient resolution of Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims. Retrieved February 21, 2024, from
  6. Sokolove Law. (2024, February 1). Camp Lejeune water contamination settlement amounts. Retrieved February 21, 2024, from
  7. United States District Court. (n.d.) Information concerning Camp Lejeune water litigation. Retrieved February 21, 2024, from,Lejeune%20Justice%20Act%20of%202022
  8. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2023, September 7). Camp Lejeune water contamination health issues. Retrieved February 21, 2024, from