What is CECA?

CECA is a part of Singapore’s extensive network of 26 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).

Extensive network of 26 FTAs

CECA entered into force in 2005. It was the first comprehensive economic agreement between Singapore and a South Asian country.

Why does CECA matter?

Our FTAs widen and facilitate our businesses' access to overseas markets when exporting their goods and services, provide protection for their investments abroad and provide certainty on foreign regulations.

Specifically under CECA:

Tariff lines

Have an export question? Please refer to the Tariff Finder site. Read more on the benefits of CECA for businesses.

How does CECA benefit us?

Since CECA was signed, bilateral trade and investment between Singapore and India have increased significantly.

Singapore companies can better access investment opportunities and increase trade with India. As a part of our network of FTAs, CECA also makes Singapore a more attractive base for global companies, encouraging them to base themselves in Singapore and enter the Indian market from here.

These have resulted in the creation of good jobs for Singaporeans.

Truths about CECA – addressing misunderstandings and inaccuracies

Truths about CECA – addressing misunderstandings and inaccuracies

Does CECA oblige Singapore to give Indian nationals unfettered access to Singapore’s labour market?

Is the number of Indian nationals working in Singapore a result of CECA?

If CECA does not allow for the free entry of Indian professionals and ICTs, then what are our obligations under Chapter 9 of CECA?

Does CECA lead to unfair hiring practices in Singapore? Does CECA privilege Indian nationals for Singapore citizenship or permanent residency? Does CECA oblige us to allow the entry of Indian dependants and permit them to work in Singapore?