Things to Know

Welcome to BHGE! As a transfer from GE to BHGE, there are certain things you need to know about your benefits and your transition to BHGE. This page has all of the information you need to successfully onboard to BHGE.

BHGE Benefits

Your new 2019 BHGE benefits offering includes medical, dental, vision, retirement and protection plans as well as several voluntary benefit options. Review the 2019 Benefits Guide for all the details. Be sure to review all of your options carefully. You will need to enroll in your BHGE benefits within 31 days of your date of hire.

Use the information posted throughout this website to learn about your 2019 BHGE benefits and read the FAQs to get answers to your questions. If you still have questions about your 2019 benefits, call the BHGE Benefits Center at 1-866-244-3539.

GE Benefits

For questions regarding any of your current GE Benefits, please utilize which has resources for the majority of the questions you may have. If you don’t find the answer to your question, please contact any of the applicable centers below: