14+ Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement Templates – Word, PDF, Google Docs

Every restaurateur will have to take necessary steps to protect their dining establishment’s trade secrets in case they want to mimic the success of popular restaurant chains such as that of McDonald’s and KFC. One common way to do this is by making sure that your employees or business partners sign a non-disclosure agreement which can be created by downloading our professionally designed agreement templates that are given below.

Agreement Template Bundle

agreement template bundle 788x510

File Format

Business Agreement Template Bundle

business agreement template bundle 788x510

File Format

Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

restaurant non disclosure agreement

File Format

Make sure you protect your restaurant’s business interests by downloading and using our well-crafted “Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement” template. This legally binding document lets you lay out the terms and conditions of your restaurant business in a simple yet detailed manner. Also, this versatile agreement template gives you complete freedom to modify any of its content. So click on that download button now and start editing this agreement sample in any of the available file formats.

Restaurant Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

restaurant employee non disclosure agreement template

File Format

Are you in search of an agreement template that will ensure that your restaurant’s employees won’t disclose any confidential information to a third party? If yes, then download and use our impressively designed restaurant employee non-disclosure agreement template in Word. This has the reliable content that will protect you as an employer and your business interests. Feel free to customize and edit this template however you like. Download now!

Restaurant Unilateral Nondisclosure Agreement Template

restaurant unilateral nondisclosure agreement template

File Format

A unilateral non-disclosure agreement is required when only one party is disclosing confidential information. So whether or not you are the disclosing party, our well-written Restaurant Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement template will help you out by letting you modify any of the restaurant template’s ready-made content. Do not miss out on this one. Get it instantly! You can also take a look at our marketing agreement templates.

Restaurant Business Plan Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

restaurant business plan nondisclosure agreement

File Format

Safeguard your restaurant’s trade secrets, game plans, and other confidential matters when it comes to your employees and business partners by downloading our Restaurant Business Plan Non-disclosure Agreement template in Google Docs. It is professionally crafted by our legal experts to tailor fit your business needs. Be able to use or modify its content according to your preference.

Restaurant Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement Template

restaurant mutual nondisclosure agreement template

File Format

There are many ways to incorporate a non-disclosure agreement into your restaurant employment contracts. And there are various benefits for putting them into your contacts too. All of these will be discussed in the next few paragraphs.

Browse Through These Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement Templates

In this article, we have included examples of a non-disclosure agreement template that any restaurant owner or business manager may use for their businesses. All these templates are available as PDF templates so make sure that you have a compatible computer software program installed before disclosing your desired agreement template.

Blank Resto Bar Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

blank resto bar non disclosure agreement template


Free Breakfast Cafe Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

breakfast cafe restaurant non disclosure agreement template


Free Cafe Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

cafe restaurant non disclosure agreement template


What is a Non-Disclosure Agreement?

A non-disclosure agreement is an arrangement between two parties to not reveal any piece of information about the other person or party. This agreement is usually incorporated in most job contracts and is formalized in a written business agreement document. The two parties need to sign the agreement and the document needs to be notarized by a legal representative before it can be considered valid. Non-disclosure agreements are also called secrecy agreements, confidentiality agreements, and proprietary information agreements.

Sample non-disclosure agreements or contracts are usually created to protect the legal business interests of one party. For instance, in the restaurant industry, some restaurateurs may require any prospective employee to sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect a trademarked recipe or technical know-how that the employee may gain by working at the said restaurant. There can be different types of business trade secrets that can be protected by a single non-disclosure agreement in pdf depending on the type of company or business entity that enforces them.

In this article, we will specifically provide tips on how to create and fill out restaurant non-disclosure agreements in word. Multiple examples of free and downloadable restaurant non-disclosure agreement templates are also embedded throughout this article for anyone to use.

Fast Food Chain Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

fast food chain non disclosure agreement template


Free Fine Dining Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

fine dining restaurant non disclosure agreement template


Restaurant Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

restaurant employee non disclosure agreement template


How to Create A Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement

how to create a restaurant non disclosure agreement

For most business managers and owners, creating a non-disclosure agreement clause in their employment contracts is an essential step if they want more proprietary protection for their restaurant business. But most often, this task is taken for granted since it can be such a hassle to create any formal written agreement.

That is why in this article we have created a short guide on how to create a simple non-disclosure agreement that may be used for any dining establishments. Also, to aid in the learning process, you may refer to the different professional agreement templates that are embedded within this article. Read on…

Step 1: Figure out what specific business policies and trade secrets

The first step in creating a non-disclosure agreement for your restaurant is to decide on what specific business trade secrets or policies you want to be covered by your company’s non-disclosure or simple non-compete agreement. For example, this may include the original recipe for gravy or cooking chicken that was passed down in your family. Or this may be a proprietary way of roasting meat. It may also be as simple as the specific marketing campaign style that your restaurant uses to gain customers.

As the business owner, it will be in your hands on how restrictive or how free our employee non-disclosure agreement can be. That is why you should carefully think about the inclusions in your non-disclosure clause even before you create the written agreement. You may also see non-disclosure agreement in google docs.

Step 2: Determine the timeframe under which you want the non-disclosure agreement to take effect.

In addition to the previous step, make sure that you also set a timeframe for the non-disclosure agreement to take effect. A good basic agreement will make sure that there is no loophole regarding the effectiveness of the agreement. So, you (as the restaurant owner) or your lawyer should make sure that an employee cannot freely divulge all the company trade secrets even after they have ceased working at your restaurant and you have to make this clear on the agreement. If not, other people may take advantage of this legal loophole and cause irreparable damage to your business and brand.

Step 3: Follow the specific legal wording for a non-disclosure agreement from an agreement template or consult with your lawyer.

For most people, drafting a legal agreement or contract can be difficult. That is why if you are not comfortable with writing your contract, you may follow the wording or verbiage from an existing non-disclosure agreement template. You may easily find this online nowadays.

Also, for more accurate legal advice, it is best to consult your lawyer. He or she can even draft the entire non-disclosure agreement for your restaurant contracts. But remember, their professional advice will cost you something so make sure to prepare the necessary amount of money to pay for your lawyer’s time too.

Step 4: Download the non-disclosure agreement template.

So if you have decided to create the first draft of a restaurant non-disclosure agreement by yourself, the next step you should do is downloading any printable non-disclosure agreement template online. You may then use this template file as a pattern or base for your non-disclosure agreement form.

Remember that you should also choose a template file that is available in a software format that you know how to use. More information about this will be discussed in the next few steps.

Step 5: Open or Create a template using your publishing software program tool.

After downloading a non-disclosure agreement template, you can now begin editing the printable template on your own. To do this, open the template file in a compatible graphic design software tool. For example, if the template is available as an InDesign template, you will need to have Adobe InDesign installed on your computer and edit the template using that software program.

In this article, most of the templates included are PDF templates so you will need to have at least Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer before you can open and edit it correctly. You may also check out our service agreement templates.

Restaurant Sale Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

restaurant sale non disclosure agreement template


Restaurant Supplier Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

restaurant supplier non disclosure agreement template


How to Create A Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement (continued)

Listed below is the continuation of the steps on how to create and draft a non-disclosure agreement for any restaurant or dining establishment.

Step 6: Format the non-disclosure agreement template according to your preferences.

Once you have opened the non-disclosure agreement template on a compatible graphic design software tool, it is not time to choose a specific format that you want your agreement to follow. Most agreement templates will follow a standard narrative in paragraph format. But other times, you may also create a non-disclosure agreement that will feature a bullet list of all the things you can and cannot do as part of the agreement.

As the restaurant owner, it will be in your hands on how to format your non-disclosure agreement templates. Choose the agreement format that you think will best facilitate understanding of the contract among your employees. You may also see word non-disclosure agreement templates.

Step 7: Do not forget to add your restaurant’s branding designs.

Also, while you are formatting your non-disclosure agreement, do not forget to add your restaurant’s unique branding identity designs on the agreement layout template. Doing this will help agree to appear more formal and credible.

Step 8: Ask Someone Else to Proofread the template.

When you are done typing all the agreement verbiage and have also finished formatting the entire agreement, it is time to ask someone else to edit and proofread the entire strategic agreement. You may ask someone else to look for any typographical errors while you may consult with a lawyer to validate if the terms of the agreement are acceptable and can be honored in court.

Step 9: Make the Necessary Corrections and Print the Template.

After that, make the much-needed corrections on the general agreement. And, finally, you can start printing out the non-disclosure agreement template. Print it out on high-quality paper for maximum effect when your employees get to sign it.

Also, do not forget to pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on a job well done.

Step 10: Begin the Distribution of the Non-disclosure agreement form to your employees.

Lastly, it is now time to begin distributing the restaurant non-disclosure agreements to all your human resource offices in all your restaurant branches. This way your current and new employees will get to sign this agreement right away. Huzzah!

Seafood Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

seafood restaurant confidentiality and non disclosure agreement template


Simple Restaurant Confidentiality Agreement Template

simple restaurant confidentiality agreement with non disclosure clause template



Now that you know what restaurant non-disclosure agreements are and how to create them, you should start drafting your agreement template for your dining establishment. Do not take this step for granted as you may only regret it later on when you find out that a former employee has already gone off to start his or her business using the skills he or she has learned from your restaurant. Create a simple restaurant non-disclosure and non-compete agreement today and be prepared for the future of your dining establishment. You may also see confidentiality agreements.

Also, if you wish to share this valuable piece of knowledge with your other restaurateur friends, link them to this post on social media or send this article to your email list.

General FAQs

1. What is a Non-Disclosure Agreement?

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is basically a legally binding agreement and contract that is mutually signed between two parties who agree not disclose any trade secrets or confidential information that is covered by the agreement. It restricts any third parties from accessing important information.

2. What Key Components Should You Include in a Non-Disclosure Agreement?

3. Why is the Restaurant Non-Disclosure Agreement Important?

The non-disclosure agreement (NDA) helps the restaurant safeguard their trade secrets, proprietary knowledge, client information, product information, and strategic plans. It also keeps individuals from making profits based on the restaurant’s secret information.

4. What Happens When a Non-Disclosure Agreement is Breached?

In case a non-disclosure is breached or violated, you can take legal action for the damages against the person who is responsible. You can get a court order from keeping the person from disclosing any more of your secrets.

5. How Long is a Non-Disclosure Agreement Valid?

Depending on the market condition and the nature of the transaction, the NDA can last up to 1-5 years. Most NDA’s don’t last forever. But, being an employer, it would be safe for you to enforce the NDA for as long as possible to maintain confidentiality. Explore additional restaurant non disclosure agreement templates on our website, template.net, to find a variety of options that suit your needs.